Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back on the Couch, Literally

My foray into springtime action and ambition did not last very long! Today was cold, damp, and gloomy from the start. My husband had a medical appointment and I went with him, so I thought that I would feel better as the day went on. No such luck. When we got back home, I was feeling achy and light-headed and much in need of a nap. Since I had gotten less than 6 hours of sleep the night before, I figured a bit of shut-eye would do me good.
I woke up with a puddle of drool on the pillowcase due to difficulty in breathing properly. So I flipped over the pillow and went back to sleep. A little while later, same result. Since I do have asthma, I just figured the change in weather was causing all of the problems and got on with the day.
Coincidentally enough, I have been feeling poorly on cloudy, overcast days. If I did not know better I'd worry that I was suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder. But I am not SAD, and the gloomy days coincide with major changes in air pressure. Which always sets off my asthma and usually causes a migraine as well. Hubby has suggested a giant grow-light over the bed, but I don't think that it will help! Some relaxing reading before bed and a fresh start tomorrow is the best prescription for what ails me. And maybe a nice cup of hot herbal tea!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Getting Off the Couch, Metaphorically

OK, so I am not literally a couch potato, but do tend to have a similar motivational drive at times. Spring is rapidly approaching, which is when I believe the year should begin. January 1st in Michigan is not a great time to start anything new as far as I am concerned. That date is more conducive to hiding under the covers and sleeping until the days brighten.
March, on the other hand, just screams, "Hey, get up, get moving! Summer will be here soon!" And I do hate being unprepared when the lazy days arrive. Preparation means having all of the difficult tasks of day to day life handled well and running smoothly. All that is left at that point is to enjoy each day to the fullest extent.
And that, at the start will be the goal of this blog.
Planning, organizing, and tracking my plan for a better, more enjoyable life!